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Advancing Media Literacy in Education: Contemporary Approaches in Pedagogy
The Cyprus Pedagogical Institute is celebrating the Global Media Literacy Week (October 23 – 29, 2023) with an online Event entitled "Advancing Media Literacy – Contemporary approaches in pedagogy", which will take place on November 3rd, 2023, 16:00 - 18:30 (EET).
The Event aims to inform the educational community about developments and practices related to Media Literacy, especially, regarding the integration of new media into teaching and learning. For this purpose, distinguished guests have been invited to speak, who will present the case of Finland, a country with remarkable progress on the field (1st rank on Media Literacy Index 2022), the role of Media Literacy in the modern era through the multi-year action of the US-based Center for Media Literacy, as well as a mapping of the educational landscape in Europe and the steps forward through the expertise of the Media & Learning Association, which is based in Belgium.
Participation in the online Event is free. Since the number of available seats is limited, priority order will be observed. Please note that participants will receive a certificate of attendance.

Saara Salomaa
Saara Salomaa works at the Finnish National Audiovisual Institute (KAVI) as a senior advisor and a team leader in media education. She has more than 10 years of experience in promoting media education and media literacy at governmental level and in international cooperation. Saara is also the first author of the Finnish media education policy. Her areas of expertise include, but is not limited to, media education in teachers’ work and training, internet safety, and media education development projects. Her doctoral thesis was focused on media education in the work and training of early childhood education teachers.

Tessa Jolls
Tessa Jolls is President and CEO of the Center for Media Literacy, a position she has held since 1999. She also founded the Consortium for Media Literacy, a nonprofit which provides research and publications. During her tenure at CML, Jolls' primary focus is working in partnership to demonstrate how media literacy works through school and community-based implementation programs. She actively contributes to the development of the media literacy field internationally through her speaking, writing and consulting, with curriculum development and research projects, and through publishing and disseminating new curricular and training materials. Jolls was awarded the Fulbright NATO Security Studies Award in Brussels in 2021, and she received the 2015 Global Media and Information Literacy Award, in recognition of her work in Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue, from the UNESCO-initiated Global Alliance for Media and Information Literacy, in cooperation with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC).

Sally Reynolds
Sally Reynolds is an Irish national with a background in remedial linguistics, Sally first worked in radio and television in Ireland as a presenter and producer for the national broadcaster, RTE. Since 1990, she has been working on technology enhanced learning projects in Ireland, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium which included programme management of Online Educa Berlin (1996-2008) and eLearning Africa (2006-2009). She is one of the founding directors of ATiT and has led dissemination and piloting actions for several large-scale European projects including SAILS (SiS), ISE (PSP), EMMA (PSP), CS Track (SwafS) and GESEA4EU (HaDEA). She is an experienced trainer and her production background has equipped her with professional level skills which are combined with a specific know-how and experience in the technology supported learning field.
As well as her role as joint managing director of ATiT, Sally has also been the Chief Operational Officer of the Media & Learning Association since October 2015. In this capacity, she has been responsible for the annual Media & Learning Conferences, communications channels including the monthly Media & Learning newsletter and the day-to-day management of the association and its various projects and initiatives. Through her work in the association, Sally has also been actively engaged in various media literacy activities for several years and is currently the Director of Media Literacy for EDMOeu as well as being an observer in the European Commission's Media Literacy Experts group. She was also a member of the European Commission's Expert Group on Tackling disinformation and promoting digital literacy through education and training in 2022 which drafted guidelines for teachers and is an active member of EMIL, EPRA's media literacy taskforce as well as leading and supporting several media literacy projects funded by the European Commission and EMIF. Sally also works regularly as a reviewer and evaluator for the European Commission in various programmes.
In today's world, everyone needs media literacy. To make this possible, media education is needed, and it should be widely available to all people. In this presentation, I will discuss the Finnish approach to media literacy and how all teachers can perceive their own role and mission in promoting media literacy.
Presentation: Towards better media literacy through systematic, comprehensive, and high-quality media education – Case Finland
Modern education’s role in media literacy today is to enable students to live, learn, discern, and thrive in a diverse, global media culture, both online and offline. With content readily at hand, education must emphasize information process skills as central to teaching and learning. Media literacy offers empowerment through education and an opportunity to equip all citizens with the skills they need to become lifelong learners who are maximally prepared to navigate and leverage the power of media for their own benefit and that of others. Through media literacy education, students internalize process skills heuristics that become automatic filtering systems to apply to any media content, anywhere, anytime. This approach is compatible with the mobility that most people enjoy through their mobile devices and enables citizens to be better informed participants in today’s media culture. Media literacy practices and pedagogy can be consistent, replicable, measurable and scalable globally, providing an evidence-based methodology for critical thinking, in both the consumption and production of media.
Presentation: Media Literacy: A Foundational Skill for Democracy in the 21st Century
During this short presentation, Sally will describe the current European Media Literacy landscape and the various players involved in promoting media literacy particularly in the educational system. She will sketch some of the challenges faced by policy-makers and practitioners alike as well as sharing some thoughts on the way forward for the educational system.
Presentation: Meeting the Challenge of Embedding Media Literacy in European Schools

Registrations to attend the event must be submitted by Wednesday, November 1, 2023.
Teachers: Registration forms should be submitted in the online registration environment of the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, the category “Workshops-Conferences”.
Other participants: Registrations can be submitted at the following form,
The link to the online event will be send by email to participants following the registration period.
For more information please contact us at +35722402338, +35722402339 or by email,