Radio and Music Student Contest “Make it Heard 2024 – The power of friendship"
This year, the Contest explores the value of friendship, a factor of wellbeing from the first steps we take in life. At a very young age, as we spread our wings and venture outside the safety of our family setting, we start searching for communication with other people. There is a constant quest for unique friends to inspire trust in us and stand by our side in every aspect of life, whether pleasant or unpleasant. Friends who encourage us, talk things through with us, support and inspire us; they motivate our development as a true, giving and sincere relationship grows between us. Friends are the Others in our life that can become a genuine and authentic expression of selfless love.
Student Video Production Contest on the Creative and Safe Use of the Internet
Video production aims to build knowledge and shape attitudes regarding the responsible, creative and safe use of the Internet. By participating in the Contest, students will investigate, formulate an opinion, put together messages and inform other children and adults through a creative and pleasant process in a way that contributes to effective learning about this topic. At the same time, the Contest envisions to develop the students’s skills in connection with Media Literacy, including horizontal skills such as autonomous learning skills, communication, collaboration, informatics literacy, creativity and innovation.